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Publications and Presentations

Peer-Reviewed Publications

L.H. Levinson, S. Sun, C.J. Paschall, K.M. Perks, K.E. Weaver, S.I. Perlmutter, A.L. Ko, J.G. Ojemann, J.A. Herron. "Data Processing Techniques Impact Quantification of Cortico-Cortical Evoked Potentials." Journal of Neuroscience Methods. (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2024.110130


L.H. Levinson, D.J. Caldwell, J.A. Cronin, B. Houston, S.I. Perlmutter, K.E. Weaver, J.A. Herron, J.G. Ojemann, A.L. Ko. “Intraoperative Characterization of Subthalamic Nucleus-to-Cortex Evoked Potentials in Parkinson’s Disease Deep Brain Stimulation.” Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. (2021). DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2021.590251


K. Casimo*, L.H. Levinson*, S. Zanos, C.A. Gkogkidis, T. Ball, E.E. Fetz, K.E. Weaver, J.G. Ojemann. “An Inter-Species Comparative Study of Invasive Electrophysiological Functional Connectivity.” Brain and Behavior. (2017). *Authors contributed equally. DOI: 10.1002/brb3.863

Conference Papers

S. Sun, L. Levinson, C. Paschall, J. Herron, K. Weaver, J. Hauptman, A. Ko, J. Ojemann, R. Rao. “Human Intracortical Responses to Varying Electrical Stimulation Conditions Are Separable in Low-Dimensional Subspaces.” IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. (2022).


C. Paschall, L.H. Levinson, J.G. Ojemann, A.L. Ko, J.A. Herron. “Data-Driven Spectral Features of Directional DBS and dDBS-ECoG Connectivity.” IEEE International Conference on Neural Engineering. (2021).


K.K. Ly, J. Wu, L.H. Levinson, B.R. Schuman, K.M. Steele, J.G. Ojemann, R.P.N. Rao. “Electrocorticographic Dynamics Predict Sustained Grasping and Upper-Limb Kinetic Output.” IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. (2018).


Doctoral Dissertation

L.H. Levinson. "Cortico-Cortical Evoked Potentials to Probe Neuroplasticity: Methodological Considerations and Contextualization." Doctoral Dissertation, University of Washington. (2024).


Undergraduate Honors Thesis

L.H. Levinson. “A Comparison of Habituation Rates in Adult-Born and General Population Neurons in the Zebra Finch Caudomedial Nidopallium.” Undergraduate Honors Thesis, Wesleyan University. (2018).

Conference Presentations

L.H. Levinson, S. Sun, C.J. Paschall, K.E. Weaver, J.A. Herron, A.L. Ko, S.I. Perlmutter, J.G. Ojemann. “Stability and Sensitivity of Cortical Evoked Potential Measures in Human Stereoencephalography.” Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA, 2022.


L.H. Levinson, S. Sun, C. Paschall, A.L. Ko, J.A. Herron, S.I.. Perlmutter, J.G. Ojemann. “Using Multiple Evoked and Functional Metrics to Measure and Interpret Cortical Activity Patterns in Humans.” Society for Neuroscience AnnualMeeting. Chicago, IL, 2021.


L.H. Levinson, D.C. Caldwell, J.A. Cronin, B. Houston, S.I. Perlmutter, K.E. Weaver, J.A. Herron, J.G. Ojemann, A.L. Ko. “Cortical Evoked Potentials During High Frequency Intraoperative Deep Brain Stimulation For Parkinson’s Disease and Essential Tremor.” Minnesota Neuromodulation Symposium, Minneapolis, Minnesota. (2020) [canceled]


J. Wu, L.H. Levinson, D. Sarma, V. Kumar, T.M. Blakely, F. Darvas, B.W. Brunson, J.G. Ojemann, R.P.N. Rao, “Dynamic Interactive Dexterous Hand Movement Decoding.” Neurofutures 2015, Portland, Oregon. (2015).

Local Presentations

L.H. Levinson, D.J. Caldwell, J.A. Cronin, B. Houston, S.I. Perlmutter, K.E. Weaver, J.A. Herron, J.G. Ojemann, A.L. Ko. “Rolling in the Deep Brain Stimulation: Intraoperative Measurement Of Depth- to-cortex Evoked Potentials In Parkinson’s Disease And Essential Tremor.” Posters ’n Pints, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 2020.


L.H. Levinson. “Comparing Habituation Rates in Adult-Born and General Population Neurons in the Zebra Finch NCM: The Role of Adult Neurogenesis in Learning and Memory in a Songbird Model.” Neuroscience and Behavior Research Symposium, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT, 2018.


L.H. Levinson and J. Kirn. “The Habituation of Adult-Born Neurons to Repeated Conspecific Song.” Summer Research Poster Session, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT, 2017.

© 2020 by Lila Levinson
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